Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I'm fucking exhausted.

Yep. I'm so worn out and weary.

Worked yesterday. Went to a class. Kicked around Islington. Came Home. Went shopping at Tescos because I had no food. Went to bed pretty damn late.

Got up early. Went to work. Discovered that my partner for the day was an Israeli graphic designer with a Masters in Advertising.

The guy yesterday had a Degree in English Lit. A Masters holder and a Degree Holder and we were all doing Lifter-Shifter work to get by.


Actually, the hardest thing about today was the big gaps between the jobs. Standing around with nothing to do is not my idea of looking good. Here's some back-story:

On Friday HF had acquired a magazine called Real Homes out from under a sinking ship, Lock Stock and Barrell. On Friday all their stuff had been moved out of the North London Offices to keep it out of the mitts of the Liquidators and into a top room in HF, North Row, Monday the stuff had been moved into a previously vacant office space and Today the Magazine put itself back together in the new location and got on with the job.

I got to meet pretty much all of them when I was assigned the job of putting labels on each of their telephones with their extension number printed. They use Quark and the art department are nice.

Speaking of which, did I mention the Quark Books that I fished out of a recycling bin? They were fucking heavy after carrying them over half of central London.

Still, they might actually come in useful. Or not. I don't really like Quark, and the smart money says that InDesign is taking over the rackets.

Anyways, after work instead of walking along Oxford Street like I usually do (when I'm in the vicinity) I decided to wander through the side streets instead, and saw some really nice apartment buildings, part of the Peabody Trust, whatever that is.

I pulled out this little disposable camera Dad gave me ages back and started snapping.

The Israeli told me that he used to take pictures of all the best signs in London. It's so simple its brilliant.

I think I'll start doing that.

Jesus Christ I'm tired.

Still, I'm pretty sure that I'm not working tomorrow. They didn't tell me that I was, and they generally do tell you just to make sure that you can make it.

Still, I think I'll do some aggressive job hunting tomorrow.

I'm running out of time, and I'm flat out of energy.

I'm going to go home and make a sandwich. And collapse into a coma.

Over and Out.



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