Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Better day.

A better day.

It started out pretty bad, with me waking up late and considering calling in sick.

But I decided that arriving late was better than calling a sickie, so I dressed as fast as I could, hung up the towels I had in the washer (I wasn't willing to let them fester all day) and go moving.

Fortunately, after the 0822 train is the 0829 train. Which got allowed me a seat and got me to work before nine.

I still had to hustle to get the files up to the Clerk etc, but I didn't get any stick over being late.

Which doesn't mean that I'm not going to be early every day for the rest of the week.

In any case, I checked my roster and discovered... I had Mr Baker again.


But the clerk was going to be Mark Ostrovski, who is cool.

Which was good, since the Morning list ran at 65 matters, before the day was done.

Still, despite all the usual setbacks, despite having no breakfast and despite having a stroppy DJ, the day actually improved.

First of all, remembering the shemozzle that was yesterday, I was ready to hand out orange forms and take names as the people streamed in. I even managed to take some times for defendants arriving. Though I forgot to note when they were called. D'oh!

Secondly, people actually had cases ready, and were willing to stick around while waiting for their case to come on.

There were rough parts. People getting agitated, endless cases being put back for some important scrap of paper or something.

There was the usual parade of thugs and theives.

There was a defendant who swore at me behind my back when I put his case behind a custody matter (custody matters take precedence over bail matters because the defendant is being deprived of their liberty). I checked his case on the list. He was in court for threatening to kill his neighbours in such a manner that they felt compelled to call the police.

There was someone who was told to be back at two pm who came back at four.

There was someone who had been told not to leave the building who left the building to make a phone call. So a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Cases put back. Cases brought back. Cases put back again.

Mostly, I managed to stay on the beat. Mostly.

Still, I came through alive and I handled a 65 item morning list plus 9 item afternoon list without freaking out.


I'm looking on the net to see if I can find more about the language used in Serenity.

Apparently when the cast start shouting unintelligibly they are swearing in Chinese. Which is what I thought.

That was cool.

One of the other list-callers just found out that she's pregnant. Good for her.

The new temp from Diamond that they are training to be a list caller looks like she might be a stayer. She doesn't seem terrified and pissed off like Chris and I were.

In any case, time for me to go.

Over and out.



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