Sunday, July 02, 2006

Damn It's Hot:

Hey all,

It's half four on a Sunday, and it is way too hot in Leytonstone.

Friday: washing, thinking, tidying, magazine sorting and shopping.

Friday night: went looking for a club called Dreadnought, only to find that the address that I thought was the one I needed (halfway between King's Cross and Angel on Pentonville Road) was holding a Smiths Tribute Night.


I wandered up to Angel, then to Highbury Corner before remembering there was another club I could go to at the Mean Fiddler.

Bus down to Soho.

The club at the Mean Fiddler wasn't bad, but the definite highlight was catching up with Alex B and Na'ama.

After the club the tubes weren't running yet, so I took a wander through the West End. Stumbled on the location of a couple of interesting things, but couldn't find the Holborn Library. Eight minutes from Bank, my hairy arse.

Tube Home. Sleep. Get up. Watch Doctor Who.

I don't care what anyone says, the new Doctor Who still rocks. And this episode rocked really hard: shadowy government organisations, SF mythologising, creative story arc-ing, AND cybermen and Daleks.

Then: headed to Slimes, reading The Great Gatsby on the Tube.

Met interesting people. Saw interesting electronic acts. Danced and had fun.

After Slimes: Chilled in a park with some friends.

Might have been sunburnt.


The Zonaria review should be going up on Morrigan's Pit tomorrow.

Heading home.

Over and out.



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