Saturday, May 05, 2007


The bookcase is assembled, and scarily enough it is alread full of the books that didn't fit on my other bookcase.

I week or two ago a friend of mine was writing about her dream house, and one of the things she wanted was long hallways lined with bookshelves. I think I know what she means, since I get the feeling that if I am not stopped I might wind up covering ever foot of spare wall space with bookcases.

In any case the bookcase has given me an excuse to clear a whole pile of crap off my desk, which makes me feel like I can breathe again, not needing to go to either a library or a pub to find a clear, flat surface. Naturally clearing up the desk a little bit triggers a spurt of compulsive spring cleaning, but that is long over due in my corner.

Other news: so far I think that I have forgotten to mention that I bought myself a new satchel last week, to replace the WH Smith one that is falling into extreme disrepair. This new one is Portrait rather than Landscape, it has a ginchy clasp on the front and a neato side pocket that I can stuff a rolled up newspaper into when I'm not reading it (the London Paper or the London Lite fits nicely - the bonus of that is that I now have a rolled up newspaper wherever I go so that if anyone tries to mug me (knocks on wood) I can slap them with it and then be halfway down the street before they've realised what has happened).

I will try to take a picture of it soon enough so that you can all stop and admire.

In another window I am finishing off a review, I just ducked over to here to clear my head before I proofread it and send it off. I haven't decided whether I am going out tonight, but I suspect that there will be busrides if I do (come to think of it, with the Bank Branch Northern Line out again, there would have been busrides in any case).

Also: last night I bought one of those cheap pinstripe suits from Tesco (for £45), on the rationale that I need a suit that I'm not afraid to wear for fear of getting dust on it, and at the other extreme I need one that doesn't smell of Moth Balls and Charity Shop.

Watched a little of Road To Perdition before, and couldn't help imagining how each shot would have looked in the original graphic novel. I've never read it, maybe I should try to find it in one of the libraries.

Anyways, enough gabbing from me, time to proofread.

Over and out.



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