Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Hey All,

I finally pulled it together to make the call for an appointment yesterday afternoon, only to be told that I should call at half eight in the in the morning. Which I did (alond with half of East London it seems), eventually getting through and scoring an appointment for 1110.

I still managed to be ten minutes late for the appointment (aided and abetted by the inconsistent nature of the 257 bus), getting there when I did by running from bus stop to bus stop, waiting for a second to see if the 257 was behind me and then repeating the process. Considering that I have been laying off the exercise since I realised that this cough wasn't going away, I felt surprisingly good.

In any case, the doc agreed to see me, tapped my chest and listened to my lungs etc. Result:

Temperature fine, throat fine, heart sounds fine, lungs sound a little creaky. Here's a prescription, come back in three weeks if you start coughing up blood, writing poetry, drinking absinthe or living in La Quartier Latin of Paris (okay, I added the last three myself).

I got the prescription filled down at boots in Leytonstone then headed back here to take care of some general housekeeping.

My last three days:

Saturday was lazy because I got home really late from the club night I had covered. Still managed to get some writing done.

Went out clubbing Saturday night, got separated from friends in the morning so I went to Camden to look at drainpipe jeans and belt buckles. Came to the conclusion that the word 'Tasteful' does not seem to exist in the vocabulary of large belt buckle makers, and that the shop in the stables that sells levi drainpipes might actually be taking ordinary levi 501s and re-engineering them into having skinnier legs. Still cheaper than buying a pair of 513's or 511's though.

While still in Camden friends called me to ask where I had got to, and gave me directions to the after thing in Shepherds Bush. I wound up staying there way longer than I meant to.

Yesterday: writing and housekeeping. Finally got to see the Transformers Movie last night. Good and bad. Brilliant CGI, silly scripting, plot holes etc.

Enough from me. Let's hope these antibiotics kick in soon.

Over and out.



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