Monday, October 01, 2007

Hey All,

Hey Everyone,

Tomorrow I go one stop on the overland East to sit for the face-to-face interview that may just determine whether I get the job.

To clear up any confusion from the post last Friday, they will be giving a presentation to the candidates, not the other way around : )

Before I go to bed I'm going to look over the notes I took while quizzing other people for tips. Then I'm going to scribble down some stuff, then I'm going to get some sleep.

It's not the end of the world if I don't get this job, but it will make my life a hell of a lot better if I do.

As for the last few days: went to see Fall of Troy and Daughters on Friday. It was okay but not really mind blowing. Daughters lurched between being utterly shambolic one minute and a Neubauten-esque meltdown of noise the next, but the performance wasn't really helped by a singer determined to present an impression of Earl Hickey on heroin. Fall of Troy explode with energy and talent but somehow lack gravity. Or maybe I was just tired. I don't know.

Saturday night I went out and saw three laptop acts and a couple of friends that I haven't seen for a while. With at least one or two people, it seems that we have been clubbing on alternate weeks.

Found out that at the Dimmu Borgir show on Friday there were still a couple of tickets on the door, so I could have gone to that instead (though I was also told that the show was much as you would expect, and the keyboards were too low in the mix... black metal is most fun at small show levels, anyway).

Angelspit (Sydney industrial band now based in Berlin) are playing in London next Saturday. I've been corresponding on and off with them pretty much since I arrived in London and discovered that there were still cool bands back in Australia, so it will be great to meet them IRL (in real life).

Anyways, sleepy time now.

Over and out.



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