Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hey All

Hey Everyone.

It's Sunday afternoon.

Work is still work, and I worked yesterday. The thumb is still slowing me down, but I'm trying to work around it.

After work some friends of mine from Brisbane were drinking at the Crobar (across the street), and while I was talking to an MA holding Canadian who is currently working as a receptionist, I got a call from the Ed asking me if I wanted to cover a pretty big show in South London tonight. Since I'm not working on Monday I jumped at it.

A note about MA's working as receptionists: when I was younger, it seemed to me that all the people who had degrees were working the same dead end jobs that you could get without degrees. I didn't realise at the time that it's often the degree that determines how dead-end a job is to be for you. Of course, there are always people like Gus, who just thrive and prosper regardless.

Anyways, I've got a few things to do here before I run away to the metal show.

Last night I discovered that the boss had inadvertantly scheduled me to be working when I'm supposed to be reporting to the fracture unit at the University Hospital. Guess I'll have to make some phone calls tomorrow morning and move one thing, the other, or both.

Over and out.



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