Sunday, March 30, 2008

New issue of the magazine just came through the mailbox. My contribution is two and a half features (the half is a Q&A we did over email), a couple of album reviews and a couple of live reviews.

I've already started turning in my live reviews for the next issue, as well as writing the reviews for albums that I received in the mail from a label.

Speaking of turning stuff in, I've put in resumes at various cattle-call retail things, which was a great excuse to rewrite my CV.I think the new version is a much perkier description of what I can bring to a job, as opposed to a clinical description of my vital statistics.

Another to do is update the list of my published-in-print pieces, since that is starting to get some girth.

I still can't find the USB/camera cable I was looking for (to be fair, my room is still in that transitional stage between warzone and tidy), but a bloke at Curries told me that I should be able to get a USB/card reader thingo if I bring in the memory card and match them up. I think I saw sister's Boyf use a widget like that when I was back in Brisneyland.

Thursday night I got to watch another Finnish metal band at the Astoria (lots of Finnish metal bands in town lately), only this time I got to see the show from the VIP balcony. All good fun.

This week: writing, resumes, house-keeping, getting in shape etc.

Also: news is that a new trans-Atlantic agreement comes into play pretty damn soon, which might have a fierce effect on the prices of travel from here to Teh Untied States. Which means that I'll be able go over and bug my sister in Brookyn. Provided I don't mind going via Newark or whatever. Will be watching.

Enough for now.

Over and out.


This week? More writing


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