Sunday, April 01, 2007


I really need to get my blog on more regularly, because it occurs to me, not for the first time, that my blogging of late has been both piecemeal and irregular.

Anyways, here is the update:

Because I was exhausted from writing the review (it was a difficult review to write for a couple of reasons, not least the slight SAD I developed last week after the first Sprang of Spring went Sponk! into a wintry relapse), I wound up missing the Neil Gaiman signing. Nevermind, he will be back in another six months, and I did see him reading last year at UCL.

Instead I got an extra hour of napping and headed to the housewarming/gathering in North London, where I was introduced to the small group with 'This is Jason, he is a Music Journalist.'

The gathering was most interesting, so much so that I missed the last tube south and therefore missed my window of opportunity to go to the breakcore party. Oops. I hope I haven't burnt a bridge there. I think there might have to be some apologizing to be made.

I wound up crashing on the floor of the flat, not able to get any sleep because I had drunk too much coffee (rather good coffee, mind, but enough that I wasn't able to get anything more sleep-like than that weird, disassociated hypnogogic state where you're not actually asleep, but your body thinks it is. Really hard to explain, and a good reason why from now on I'm not going to rely on caffeine as part of the creative process (part of the reason I overnapped was my over-caffeining to write the review... couldn't get to sleep ergo I couldn't wake up when I needed to).

It disturbs me to remember that once upon a time I used to speen weeks on end in that weird state of too-tired-to-sleep I-think-I'm-on-fire semi-psychosis. I think I was young and stupid enough to think that I enjoyed it. These days it is just a subtle reminder: for the sake of your sanity, keep working on your organisation.

In any case, after a breakfast of sorts I took the 91 down to Holborn, ate a sub-of-the-day (£2!) and followed the street around until it hit the Strand and then Charing Cross Road. The Spring Crowds were out in force, regardless of the non-committal weather, on Shaftesbury Avenue I saw a man freebasing (!?!) in a Telephone box (I don't know what was in the foil, and I didn't stop to ask) and eventually I made my way back to Tottenham Court Road Station and Leytonstone, where I caught another short nap before it was time for the first episode of the new season of Dr Who. Which wasn't as good as we have come to expect, but I'm sure this season will get better as it goes.

Last night I chose chilling at home over heading out.

Today I'm thinking nothing too intense, just planning my moves.

Enough for now.

Over and out.



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