Thursday, April 05, 2007

Hey O


So far this has been an up and down week for me.

Monday I sorted out a council tax issue. Yay for me.

Tuesday I got a call that I had accidently overdrawn one of my accounts just when a direct debit (to cover my BT line/broadband) had come up. This had to be dealt with right away. Boo.

Yesterday I go into the bank to pay to pay money into said account so as not to incur massive fees. While I'm distracted at the bank, my wallet is stolen. Didn't see who did it, one moment I had my wallet, then next I didn't. Stupid Stupid Stupid.

I call through to the bank helpline to cancel the HSBC cards, then at home I cancel the Commonwealth Bank Card. All cards will be reissued, but not for a week or so.

Just in case something like this happened I set aside some money/tesco vouchers to tide me through until I can access my accounts again. Similarly in the Just In Case file, my Visa Card wasn't in my wallet, it was sitting at home.

In the good news file:

At the suggestion of a friend of mine, I emailed one of the editors of VirusDotCom, and she liked my stuff enough to send me a 'welcome on board' message, with plans on sending me some CDs to review. Neato.

Apart from that, not much else to add.

Over and out.



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