Friday, February 29, 2008

Having got all my copy in yesterday, I find myself in the strange position of having nothing immediate to stress about.

What a weird feeling.

To clarify, the copy that I put in was three or four live reviews, four album reviews and two interviews. They just kept coming into my inbox, and I'm vain enough about being a minor go-to guy to not say no. Getting it all in was hard work.

No matter, I'm going to enjoy the weekend, then Monday I'm going to engage in some serious life-hacking.

Also: word is that my father is attending a conference in Cape Town, South Africa. Knock on wood that he doesn't get shot.

Other news: I have been coming up with ideas for short stories. I wrote one last week, in between dashing out drafts for reviews (my sister was curious, so I sent her a draft to peruse and tell me what she thought), and I've got to write out another. The one that I wrote is a modern twist on crime fiction, and the other one (to be written) is a black comedy supernatural story, that will probably work better as a short comic.

Anyways, I'm heading out, because one of the things that I decided I'd do when I was finished this round of writing was raid the TK Max for some more shoes.

Over and out.

This afternoon I got all of my remaining copy in to the editor.

Hooray. Now I can do all the stuff I've been putting off for a week or more.

A half serious question: how did people do this stuff before Email?

Over and out.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

And Diablo Cody an Oscar for Juno.


Over and out.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

This week has mostly been tied up with writing and catching up with sleep.

Deadline looms, and I keep getting things in my inbox.

Tonight I'm going out to see The Dillinger Escape Plan, followed by decamping to Slaughterhaus Five.

Should be good.

Other news: I've just started reading the Pilo Family Circus.

I'll discuss how I came to that later.

In the meantime, gotta run.

Over and out.


Friday, February 15, 2008

It never rains but it pours.

In the last three weeks I've had two shows to write up, done two interviews, and in the last two days I've written questions for an email interview, received two albums to review and tomorrow night I'm seeing one of the reformed Alt Rock giants of the early 90s at the O2 Arena.

I also have to go to Birthday drinks in North London tonight, followed by seeing a Danish pop band with an old school pal and tomorrow I'm catching up with an old school pal at the Crobar before giving him my plus one for the evening show.

Plus write write write write writing.

This could get complicated.

Over and out.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

...And I've been so pre-occupied with writing deadlines, dropping resume's and minor existential crises that I completely forgot my Mother's Birthday last week.


Over and out.


Thursday, February 07, 2008

Late night scribbling.

A lot of radio silence lately.

Apologies for that, since I got back to England I've not really been in a writing about it kinda mood. I realise that this has probably alienated whatever readers I still had. *sigh*

Update for what it's worth:

Have been covering shows, interviewing bands and the like. I now have a pile of copy to finish off in the next couple of days. I'm chugging through that.

Looking for jobs, noting opportunities, making plans and the like.

Reading. Nearly finished a rather strange not-quite-science-fiction book by Michael Moorcock.

It's been rather cold the last week in London, so I've been rugging up finding warm places to be.

On the Thumb: a measure of flexibility is returning etc. I still think I'll sit out this season of Ambidextrous Thumb Wrestling just to be on the safe side.

In the meantime, I had better get back to the late night writing I have to do before turning in.

Over and out,
