Sunday, March 30, 2008

New issue of the magazine just came through the mailbox. My contribution is two and a half features (the half is a Q&A we did over email), a couple of album reviews and a couple of live reviews.

I've already started turning in my live reviews for the next issue, as well as writing the reviews for albums that I received in the mail from a label.

Speaking of turning stuff in, I've put in resumes at various cattle-call retail things, which was a great excuse to rewrite my CV.I think the new version is a much perkier description of what I can bring to a job, as opposed to a clinical description of my vital statistics.

Another to do is update the list of my published-in-print pieces, since that is starting to get some girth.

I still can't find the USB/camera cable I was looking for (to be fair, my room is still in that transitional stage between warzone and tidy), but a bloke at Curries told me that I should be able to get a USB/card reader thingo if I bring in the memory card and match them up. I think I saw sister's Boyf use a widget like that when I was back in Brisneyland.

Thursday night I got to watch another Finnish metal band at the Astoria (lots of Finnish metal bands in town lately), only this time I got to see the show from the VIP balcony. All good fun.

This week: writing, resumes, house-keeping, getting in shape etc.

Also: news is that a new trans-Atlantic agreement comes into play pretty damn soon, which might have a fierce effect on the prices of travel from here to Teh Untied States. Which means that I'll be able go over and bug my sister in Brookyn. Provided I don't mind going via Newark or whatever. Will be watching.

Enough for now.

Over and out.


This week? More writing

Monday, March 24, 2008


Hey All,

London has been freezing the past few days, up to and including flurries of snow.

Unfortunately it hasn't been cold enought and the snow hasn't been thick enough for the snow to settle, but the snow has still been a pretty interlude.

Will have to check the archives to see if the March Snow last year was earlier or later than the March Snow this year.

Time marches on and my passports are due to expire within months of each other so I decided to go see the Australian High Commision on Friday... and discovered that it was closed for Good Friday.

What? Does the world stop for religious holidays? What if I was a defector wanting to come in from the cold? This is an illustration of why Australia is regarded as a running joke in the intelligence community.

My typing today is right off and I'm not sure why. I was in Tescos before and I could feel tingling in the ends of my ring and pinky fingers, first in my right hand, then in my left. I'm pretty sure that it was nothing, but I'm also sure that stories in medical journals begin exactly the same.

Hypochondria. Gotta love it.

Other news: have been cleaning my room because I couldn't find the USB cable for my phone. Room is now messier than when I started, had found books I'm meaning to read, a few pounds in a change purse I thought I'd lost and two dozen hair ties.

By can't find the cable. That's annoying. Could have left it in Brisbane, not ruling out any possibilities.

Also: attended the Web Comics and Small Press Convention here in East London on Saturday. Interesting.

Other than that, same old same old: writing, reading, seeing friends, shows to catch.

Over and out.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Hey All

Just had a fun weekend with plenty of shenanigans.

And just this minute turned in a review for a show that I was sent to last weekend.

Did I mention that last Friday I was sent a bunch of albums to review? I intend to have those finished by the end of next week.

One of my flatmates are away right now, so life is pretty quiet in the flat.

Weekend engineering works on the Central line continue to mess with my ride home (or let's face it, my ride anywhere) on Sundays. Last night I was diverted onto the overland, where I managed to nod off, waking up just as the train was leaving Stratford Station.

That particular train then goes on an express to Romford. Fortunately there was another train going the other way within 30 seconds of my arrival, so grim overnight stays in Essex were averted this time. I blame the dreamy post-metal of Isis's Panopticon on my iPod for my unintentional micronap and the resulting detour.

Still, I did get a damn good night's sleep after that.

That's all for now.

Over and out.
