Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Working on the Rainy Day principle, I religiously save the smallest three coins in British circulation, throwing one penny, two penny and five penny pieces into jars at the end of the day (I try to keep a stack of 1 pound and 20p coins, but that's for the machines at the laundromat).

The other night I counted up all of the shrapnell, and discovered that I have enough coinage to buy a simple coin-counter.

But then I wouldn't have any coins.

Over and out.

Jesus, I haven't posted in this for quite a while.

No huge infodump coming here.

Just wanted to post to mention that last night I was in the Centre of London to buy a Parka from H&M, which turned out to be rather fortuitous because within an hour it started raining, hailing, sleeting and snowing. At the same time.

I guess that is why they are calling it Climate Change instead of Global Warming now.

Over and out.
