Sunday evening...
I'm down here typing instead of watching Top Gear. I think I'll catch the midweek repeat if I really feel a craving for the blokey good fun of watching three well paid blokes talking about cars I'll probably never drive.
The picnic was pretty ordinary, full of netsters that didn't interest me much. I should have expected as much.
Fortunately by the time I found it (Hyde Park is bloody big) they were about to head to Camden.
Not wanting to be stuck in the Dev with them all, I took option B, which was take a look around the Camden Markets for a bit.
Bought glowstick at Cyberdog, bought bootlaces at the Doc Shop and bought some sweet and sour pork at a stand in the lock.
Back to the Dev, then on to the Marlborough Head, hung with some friends there, then onto Slimes. The journey took fifteen minutes longer than it should have, because the Northern Line train got stuck somewhere in South London.
At least that meant that I managed to chug my way through The Wasp Factory some more.
Slimelight? Most notable thing was running into Alex B, who was flyering for this coming Friday. In the process of our conversation he told me that a good event reviewer doesn't use first person, as demonstrated in Terrorizer. First person is too subjective, it takes away the sense that this is an objective review.
I like using first person, if only because it appeals to my gonzoid writing sensibilities, but I do see his point. As an experiment, I'm going to do the next few things I write in total third person, and see how that plays out.
The rest of Slimes was the usual parade of strange characters and mutant music.
After Slimes: was feeling too buggered to do my usual thing of exploring Camden/The West End/Something or other, so I went back to Leytonstone and had breakfast in the only caff I could find open.
Just after I started my first sandwich, my friend Gary happened by for a Full English Breakfast, and we wound up having a great chat about history, culture, metal and all manner of other stuff.
Great fun.
Back home, where I had a four hour nap and then got domestic, before watching the last half of Lost. I don't care if he was a torturer, Sayid rocks.
Tomorrow: get up early, do some Jobcentre required stuff and if I can get that knocked down sharpish I'll go down to the Heart Foundation shop to volunteer. Monday and Tuesday a different assistant manager comes in, who happens to moonlight as an SF writer.
Crazy week planned: Tuesday Jobcentre sign-on. Wednesday I get Broadband and go to see Ministry. Friday Sick and Twisted. And maybe a little Dead and Buried (the Electro Rose told me I'm on the Guestlist... if I don't think I can make it I'll have to tell her to cross me off).
Sometime this week I also have to go out for a drink with that Redhead I met a The Birthday Massacre. Busy Busy Busy.
Anyways, gotta go.
Over and out.